Recommended References and Publications |
[1] |
Martin, R. J., Reza, A., and Anderson, L.W., “What is an explosion? A case history of an investigation for the insurance industry”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 13, pp 491-497, 2000. |
[2] |
Shebeko, Y.I., Shevchuk, A.P. and Smolin, I.M., “Calculation of the Parameters of Shock Waves Formed in the Explosion of a Tank with a Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gas at the Source of a Fire”, Khimicheskaya Promyshlennost, No. 9, pp 451-453, 1993. |
[3] |
NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2001 Edition, prepared by the Technical Committee on Fire Investigations and acted on by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. Meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 12-15, 2000. |
[4] |
Amoco Oil Company, Hazards of Air, Booklet Two, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., 1984. |
[5] |
Johnson, D.M. and Vasey, M.W., “The Prevention and Mitigation of Gas Explosions”, SPE 35810, Presented at the International Conference on Health, Safety & Environment, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 9-12, 1996. |
[6] |
Simmonds, S.A. and Tam, V.H.Y., “Effects of Equipment Layout and Venting Geometry on the Consequences of Gas Explosions”, SPE #20910, SPE Production & Facilities, February1993. |
[7] |
Woodward, J.L. and Crossthwaite, P., “How to Set Explosion Protection Standards”, Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, Issue 12, pp. 95-100, Dec.1995. |
[8] |
Nagy, J., Seiler, E.C., Conn, J.W. and Verakis, H.C., “Explosion Development in Closed Vessels”, Report of Investigations 7507, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Washington, 1971. |
[9] |
Kuchta, J.M., Lambiris, S. and Zabetakis, M.G., “Flammability and Autoignition of Hydrocarbon Fuels Under Static and Dynamic Conditions”, Report of Investigations 5992, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Washington, 1962. |
[10] |
Mehta, S.A., Moore, R.G., Laureshen, C.J., Samuel, P., Teichrob, R.R., and Bennion, D.B., “Safety Considerations for Underbalanced Drilling of Horizontal Wells Using Air or Oxygen-containing Gas”, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 30-35, September 1998. |
[11] |
Mehta, S.A., Moore, R.G., Pratt, C.A., Gair, S.D. and Hoyer, C.W.J., “High-Pressure Flammability of Drilling Mud/Condensate/Sour Gas Mixtures in De-Oxygenated Air for Use in Underbalanced Drilling Operations”, SPE #37067, Calgary, Alberta, 1996. |
[12] |
Kuchta, J.M., “Investigation of Fire and Explosion Accidents in the Chemical, Mining, and Fuel-Related Industries – A Manual”, Bulletin 680, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1985. |
[13] |
Zabetakis, M.G., “Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors”, Bulletin 627, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1965. |
[14] |
Coward, H.F. and Jones, G.W., “Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapours”, Bulletin 503, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1952. |
[15] |
Bjerketvedt, D., Bakke, J.R., and van Wingerden, K., “Gas Explosion Handbook”, GexCon, Bergen, Norway, www.gexcon.com, [accessed 08/07/2003]. |
[16] |
API Recommended Practice 2003, “Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents”, Health and Environmental Affairs Department, Safety and Fire Protection Subcommittee, American Petroleum Institute, Sixth Edition, Sept. 1998. |
[17] |
Vella, P.A., “Improved Cleaning Method Safely Removes Pyrophoric Iron Sulfide”, Oil and Gas Journal, Vol. 95, No. 8, pp. 65-68, 1997. |
[18] |
F.M. Davie, P.F. Nolan, T.W.S. Hoban; “Study of Iron Sulfide as a Possible Ignition Source in the Storage of Heated Bitumen”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industry, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp.139-143, Sept. 1993. |
[19] |
Walker, R, Steele, A.D. and Morgan, D.T.B., “Deactivation of Pyrophoric Iron Sulfides”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 36, pp. 3662-3667, 1997. |
[20] |
Walker, R., Steele, A.D. and Morgan, D.T.B., “Pyrophoric Nature of Iron Sulfides”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 35, pp. 1747-1752, 1996. |
[21] |
API Publication 2216, “Ignition Risk of Hydrocarbon Vapors by Hot Surfaces in the Open Air”, Safety and Fire Protection Department, API, 2 nd Edition, Jan. 1991. |
[22] |
API Recommended Practice 2009, “Safe Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries”, Safety and Fire Protection, American Petroleum Institute, 7 th Edition, Feb 2002. |
[23] |
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act, General Safety Regulation, Alberta Regulation 448/83 |
[24] |
Downey, Robert. A; “On-site Generated Nitrogen For Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Other Applications”, (95-107), CADE/CAODC Spring Drilling Conference, Calgary, Alberta, April 19-21, 1995. |
[25] |
Interim Directive 94-3, Alberta EUB, 1994. |
[26] |
“National Fire Code of Canada”, (1995), Canadian Codes Centre, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada, www.nationalcodes.ca/nfc/index_e.shtml, [accessed 08/29/03] |
[27] |
“Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) Volume 4 – Well Testing and Fluid Handling”, (2000), Enform (formerly the Canadian Petroleum Safety Council), Calgary, Alberta, www.enform.ca, [accessed 07/23/2003]. |
[28] |
“Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) Volume 7 – Standards From Wellsite Supervision of Drilling, Completions, and Workovers”, (2002), Enform (formerly the Canadian Petroleum Safety Council), Calgary, Alberta, www.enform.ca, [accessed 07/23/2003]. |
[29] |
“Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) Volume 8 – Pumping of Flammable Fluids”, (2002), Enform (formerly the Canadian Petroleum Safety Council), Calgary, Alberta, www.enform.ca, [accessed 07/23/2003]. |
[30] |
“Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) Volume 14 – Non-Water Based Drilling and Completions Fluids”, (2002), Enform (formerly the Canadian Petroleum Safety Council), Calgary, Alberta, www.enform.ca, [accessed 07/23/2003]. |
[31] |
“Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) Volume 15 – Snubbing Operations”, (2003), Enform (formerly the Canadian Petroleum Safety Council), Calgary, Alberta, www.enform.ca, [accessed 07/23/2003]. |
[32] |
“Controlling Explosive Atmospheres in Vessels, Tanks and Piping Systems – Draft”, Workplace Health and Safety, Alberta Human Resources and Employment, 2002. |
[33] |
Workplace Health & Safety, “Combustible Gas Meters – Function Testing”, Hazardous Locations, Alberta Human Resources and Employment, January 2003. |
[34] |
Daniel E. Della-Giustina, “The Fire Safety Management Handbook (Second Edition)”, American Society of Safety Engineers, Illinois, 1987, 1999. |
[35] |
Willie Hammer and Dennis Price, “Occupational Safety Management and Engineering (Fifth Edition)”, Prentiss Hall, New Jersey, 2001. |
[36] |
James Reason, “Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents”, Ashgate Publishing Company, Burlington USA, 1997. |
[37] |
James Reason, “Human Error”, Cambrige University Press, Cambrige 1990. |
[38] |
Dr. Peter Strahlendorf, “Accident Theory Part I: Explaining How Accidents Happen”, Occupational Health and Safety Canada, September / October 1995 and Dr. Peter Strahlendorf, “Accident Theory Part II: What You’re Missing If You Don’t Use One”, Occupational Health and Safety Canada, November / December 1995. |
[39] |
American Petroleum Institute Guide for Fighting Fires In and Around Petroleum Storage Tanks, API Publication 2021,2nd ed. March 1980. |
[40] |
F.L. Hermack, Static Electricity in Fibrous Materials, National
Bureau of Standards Report 4455, Dec. 1955. |