Preventive Strategies & Controls

Fire and Explosion Hazard Management (FEHM) Overview

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There are three primary elements in an effective approach to fire and explosion hazard management - philosophy, strategy, and prevention plans and controls. The philosophy reflects the company's approach to hazard management and the level of risk it is willing to accept. The strategy defines the process that will be used to identify, reduce and manage fire and explosion hazards. The prevention plans document the specific control measures that will be used to implement the strategy. The FEHM overview illustrates these concepts.

Stages of a FEHM Process

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As this diagram illustrates, a fire and explosion management process needs to include the following stages:

Stage 1: Assess Fire & Explosion Hazards for Planned Operations
Stage 2: Identify Need for Site-Specific Fire & Explosion Prevention Plan
Stage 3: Evaluate and Choose Fire & Explosion Control Measures
Stage 4: Develop & Implement Fire & Explosion Prevention Plan
Stage 5: Monitor Effectiveness and Revise Process as Needed

Potential Fire and Explosions Controls

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This diagram provides a list of potential controls that should be considered to eliminate or reduce the risk of fires and explosions.

  • Fuel-Hydrocarbon Source Controls
  • Oxygen-Air Source Controls
  • Energy-Ignition Source Controls
  • Equipment and Design Controls
  • Detection and Suppression Systems
  • Operating Plans and Practices
  • Emergency Controls

Related Information:

Preventive Strategies & Controls
FEHM Strategies | Operational Assessment Guidelines | Operational Controls

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